Well, where shall we began. This night was by far the one of the strangest nights that we have ever had. When pulling up to this investigation things just felt off. This was Donks first investigation with Jacob aka QiiNRG (his first ever Investigaton), Key could not make it this evening, so it was just Donk, Taja (camera), QiiNRG.
This was such an odd feeling, we all continually talked about how we felt surrounded and as if we were being watched. Sunken Gardens does have a feel of being surrounded due to the fact you are in a wagon wheel shape field surrounded by woods and running water, but this was a different feeling, almost the feeling of being trapped.
The overall investigation seemed kind of lack-luster, Donk and Key had livestreamed at this location a month earlier with enough solid contact to plan a return visit, to document via video for YouTube. Key had to cancel so QiiNRG said he would fill in last min. So, this is exactly what transpired. We arrived at around 11pm the environment was calm, the waters surrounding Sunken Gardens normally free flowing, set still. The night was clear as you could see every star in the sky. The moon had lite the location so well, everything was set for "the perfect night". The night was going great we had a few random strikes on the emf detector, the sb7 was giving so much useful information. Things were going amazing as we continued to try and make contact.
The night grew dark, the stars had gone away, the calm vibe had disappeared, THE MOOD HAD CHANGED. Taja had felt uneasy. She had mentioned to us many times that things were moving behind her. Donk had a moment when using the sb7 where he seen a white shadow cut behind QiiNRG and Taja. Many of times this evening Donk and QiiNRG felt themselves being hovered over by Taja, as she was genuinely scared. Taja doesn't scare easily, so this just set made the night so much more of a rush.
As the night progressed the decision was made to carry on the investigation at the Cemtery located on the top side of Sunken Gardens. Rock, Papper, Scissors was played, Donk lost on purpose playing a prank on the video with a hand gesture game. This made for him to do a solo Estes Method session in the middle of the field. While this was being set up Donk started hearing things in the woods. We started to think maybe it was an animal, but it was enough for us to want to pack up equipment and move on. Upon loading up things we came across what appeared to blood being wiped through symbols on our equipment box. This was strange as if only certain symbols were whacked out, our box has been blessed by a witch and protection placed over our team. With Sunken Gardens having been associated with Witchcraft it almost makes sense.
With the night growing late and the team being left baffled. We decided to pack up and leave then when loading the car, the critters where in full critter mode. The coyotes howling left a spine-chilling rattle on your bones. Making the feeling so much more intense. Finally, we are loaded and out of the Cemtery and back at Donks place when suddenly QiiNRG cannot find his car keys. So, here we are heading back out about 2-3am to look for keys in the pitch black. When arriving back our goal was to get the keys and go. To our surprise the moon had come back out luminating everything again and the feeling of being trapped or watched no longer existed. We found the keys thankfully after about 15mins.
We have no answer to any of this Taja says that "Sunken Gardens had elements of peace and tranquility, Beautiful but creepy at the same time". We can all agree without question the Hauntings here are real. Highly recommend coming here but please be respectful.
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