This was recorded for our Halloween special video for OCT 31st, 2024. We had such an amazing time this evening, the weather was perfect. Clear skies, very faint cool breeze, fairly warm for the time of year, absolutely no reasons to complain. We arrived at this location around dusk and meet up with our special guest investigators for the night a local team that goes by "The Boosties". We have teamed up with them in the past for other videos and investigations always a great time. This night just had an overall great vibe.
We began the investigation with Donk and The Boosties walking the trails behind the McNaughton family plots where rumors of seeing shadow figures and hearing footsteps are reported. While walking these trails trying to get communication or debunk rumors Donk had an idea to ask, "Little Mary" (rumored to haunt location after buried alive at 7yrs old) to run up to him at the count of 3. He counted down 3,2,1... GO. After a few seconds of silence, you then hear a branch snap as if it was stepped on. Was it paranormal? you decide as for us it could have been paranormal, or it could be debunked as an animal walking in the woods. The timing was perfect none the less and we are still confused as to what we believe.
At this time Key had shown up and was ready for us to link up. So, we walked the paths back to the undisclosed parking lot to meet up with him. He had yet been to this location and had no idea what was instore. As we walked from the parking lot to enter to heavily wooded surrounded cemetery, we walked past about 50 "No Trespassing" signs. He muttered "What are you guys getting me into, do you see all these Felonies". We all chuckled but it was true, and we do not recommend doing this as it is highly illegal and unsafe. At this point we had finally reached the McNaughton Family plots and informed him of the earlier encounter.
As we begun to show Key and The Boosties some of the other plots located throughout the woods. We started to hear what sounded like squeaky toy for an animal it was audible for ruffly 5 mins. We searched a great while trying to find a source to the sound with no avail. So, Donk decided to send everyone back to the McNaughton plot and preform what we call "A Solo Session". During this session he used a SB7 spirit box. While communicating with spirits using this device he had ask if it was "good spirit" "evil spirit" or "friendly" after asking this specific question a voice came out of the spirit box and said "FRIENDLY" it seemed very pleased and happy to talk to someone. Was it paranormal? For us there is no denying this was a spirit that was extremely happy to have been able to communicate. There was also a moment during this solo session that Donk had experienced movement in the woods. While trying see what was in the woods, he heard a little girl laugh which was luckily captured on video.
After this we had meet back at the McNaughton cemetery and decided to do and sb7 session at this location. While doing this the sb7 says the name "Blake" which is the name on one of the family plots along the path. This seemed like a sign to return to that family's plot so, that is exactly what we did. Unfortunately, we had virtually no activity when returning to this spot. We spent 30 or so minutes attempting communication before deciding to go back to the "Little Mary" site and set up for Key to do his solo session.
This was the final portion to our special, we set up thermal cameras, cat balls, music box, L.E.D tripwire, emf detectors, digital recorders, we also had spirit talker app running while Donk and Key conducted the Estes Method. Key was holding a camera facing himself and the thermal recording himself and Donk. Donk begun asking question and Key was responding accordingly when he felt something grab his throat. He ripped off his eye covering and noise cancelling headphones. Screams "WHAT THE F**K" was that. It startled Donk he's asking "what's going on" franticly and noticed the camera had stopped recording. None of the footage was captured and the thermal had no audio. Which means Key would have to endure the Estes method again after being grabbed. He was reluctant but pushed through it as Donk and The Boosties would snap pictures in the surrounding areas leaving him truly alone and vulnerable. Key continuously felt something near him but was not touched although had voices and screams as he carried out the Estes.
In conclusion we feel all states have a legend like this where a child was buried alive and families would have dreams of it, only for them to be unearthed to discover their worst fears to be true. As with this specific location it seems that the legends have some form of truth at least with the paranormal activity side of things, as research would not provide any documented proof of Mary being buried alive or unearthed. We feel that there is some form of activity without a doubt but do not necessarily know if its correlates to Mary or the McNaughton family like lore suggest.
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